Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2019, 6 (25): 82-87
UDC 332.02
Ivan Behal
postgraduate student,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
Abstract: In the process of decentralization of power, where land management powers are transferred to the community, it is an important issue to establish perfect institutional support and a transparent mechanism for managing land resources. There are several aspects in the management system, but the most important of them is the organizational one, as it should reveal the functionality and parameters of the spatial entities on which the corresponding management decisions are based.
In Ukraine, an interdepartmental approach to the land management system leads to the formation of different characteristics of a single land plot that require further consistency between different institutions on the legislative and regulatory basis. In order to improve institutional interaction, the essential features and peculiarities of the concepts that underpin the organizational mechanism for managing land resources were investigated, namely, the "main purpose of land"; "Purpose of land plots"; "Functional land use" and "functional purpose of the territory".
The article presents the scheme of influence of the organizational mechanism on the distribution and use of land resources. The table of application of the concepts of "purpose of land plots" and "functional purpose of territory" was also compared.
To solve the main problem, it was proposed to use a single terminology in town planning and land management documentation where the basic categories should be "land" and "land"; attention is paid to the need to develop a common law on land management and urban planning of the Law of Ukraine on land planning and construction and their rational use; a measure to improve the land code and land cadastre was proposed.
Key words: division of land, purpose, functional purpose, land, land plots, territory, urban planning activity.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2019
Date of online version: 2019